Felix Economakis - Therapist

Online SED Therapy FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

We have two sections of the FAQ - Therapy (below), and Techincal.

Therapy FAQ

  1. What is the difference between the ‘senior’ and ‘junior; versions of the videos? The language in the junior version is simpler and the techniques are more condensed.
  2. How long are the videos?
    Each video is broken up into 6 chapters:
    • General introduction (17 mins)
    • Therapy introduction (13:47)
    • Therapy #1 (12:07)
    • Therapy #2 (15:38)
    • Therapy #3 (24:10)
    • De-brief (07:06)
    • Total: 89mins
    • General introduction (13:44)
    • Therapy introduction (12:36)
    • Therapy #1 (10:20)
    • Therapy #2 (30:38)
    • Therapy #3 (27:23)
    • De-brief (07:06)
    • Total: 100mins

  3. My child is younger than the recommended age. Should I still try the video?
    It is very hard to gauge with certainty a recommended age for a child to watch this video as children can vary tremendously in maturity, development, understanding and temperament. In the testimonials section you can read about a grandmother who showed her 5 year old grandson just the final therapy part of the treatment and then went on to write a testimonial about how he started sampling new foods. I was just as surprised as her about this outcome as I was not expecting such a young child to respond so well. To be safe I would say that this case was more likely to be an exception rather than the rule and it is generally best to wait until they are older. With young children there is always a little bit of financial risk involved. One thing I have learnt is that children can really surprise us and anything can happen. With enough feedback over time, I may revise the recommended ages for this juniors video.
  4. My child is 12 years old. Should I get the junior or senior version?
    It really depends on your child as maturity and comprehension levels can vary greatly at this age.
  5. Does the video work with children who have Asperger’s?
    An unexpected benefit from therapy on video is that it actually seems to suit autistic children better than face-face contact. As one mother mentioned in her feedback:
    “I'll be honest, I think Harry would have struggled to interact 1:1, he has great difficulty talking to adults. I passed on a message from Felix earlier and he had the biggest smile, he's feeling very proud of himself. The one way communication was a great starting point”.
  6. What if I can’t or don’t want to be hypnotised?
    That’s fine too. As I mention in the video, don’t get hung up on the hypnosis part because the subconscious mind will ultimately take you only to whatever level it feels comfortable with and will not do anything against your will. The change happens from everything working together. All you need to do is just be as comfortable as you allow yourself to be while I speak.
  7. How should I approach the therapy / what do I need to do beforehand?
    If you are an adult or watching the senior version, I suggest you listen to the introduction first, understand the preparation for food for after the session and the preparation for the therapy. After that is in place, you can either do the whole video in one go (it’s about 1.5 hours) or just listen to the introduction, familiarise yourself with what will be involved and then watch the rest of it later. If you are the parent or guardian of the child, then it is important you listen to the introduction on your own and then plan the best way for your child to see the video, which can also be in stages or in one go. Both work but out of habit I am used to doing the therapy all in one go.
  8. That’s the best way mentally to prepare for the video?
    The first thing would be to get out of the mind set of thinking that changing is a ‘pass or fail’ issue and instead understand it is a process. Treat this experience as a learning curve. The video is not going away. No one has to get ‘it right’. Get to know it and understand the concepts first. It is true that some people seem to have magic wand type results but everyone is different and this is not a competition. Good for others if they are already close to change, and accept that your system will take what it takes for it to change, and not a second sooner.
    In everyone there are processes at work in the background leading to a shifting of perspective and understanding, leading to an openness to change.
    Turning up, being incredibly worried, doubting oneself, putting pressure on oneself and then expecting the video to magically take all that away is not how it works.
    Take your time, get to know it so you can really listen to the ideas. Then when that is all done, move to the therapy section itself.Remember that unlike any past face-face experience with other therapists, this is a video. No one is going to force anyone to do anything. You or your child can switch the video off if they want to. No one is going to make anyone do anything. At the end of it all you will look back and realise you made a bigger deal of the obstacles than you actually experienced, and wonder what all the fuss was about!
  9. Will this help create permanent life changes or is it temporary?
    This really depends on the client. some people are close to a tipping-point for change and seem to need only one session, others need several viewings to settle into it.

Technical FAQ

  1. How long do I have to wait for my code?
    If purchasing with Paypal – Paypal will generate an automatic passcode upon purchase so you can access the videos straight away. If you have used Paypal and do not seem to have a code in your inbox then please check your spam filter. In addition, Paypal will send a code to the email used to register the Paypal account, which may be an older email or belonging to a spouse. If this is the case, then please email admin for a manual code.
    If purchasing with BACS – please email me to let me know you have made a deposit. Once I see your email, I can check my bank details, confirm and send you a code. This will generally be processed within a few hours of purchase (unless you make a purchase late in the evening). If I have not replied to you within 24 hours, then please contact me again in case the email did not get through for whatever reason.
  2. I do not seem to have received an email reply?
    If you have waited 36 hours I would also recommend you check all your email accounts (clients sometimes use different emails for purchasing and correspondence), including the spam filters and filters of your spouse or PayPal account holder.
  3. I cannot access the videos online.
    Please email support on the contact tab on the top bar, or below.


Contact me and I'll get back to you shortly.

Felix Economakis

London, NW3 7AX

+0044 (0)207 794 8730

For enquires about face-face therapy, please visit my Clinical Practice at The Heath